How To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins At Home

The problem of varicose veins worries a huge percentage of the population. Unfortunately, clinical procedures are quite expensive and if, with severe varicose veins, it is extremely necessary to see a doctor, then the minimal symptoms of the initial stage can be relieved with the help of folk remedies. Many are interested in the effective treatment of varicose veins at home without surgery, especially to eliminate such a cosmetic defect as spider veins. Laser removal and hardening of blood vessels appeared in widespread access relatively recently, but even before their appearance there were secrets of beauty and health.

How to get rid of varicose veins on the legs

Sclerotherapy is a popular method of getting rid of varicose veins in the legs

In the aesthetic medicine clinic, the patient will be offered three ways to get rid of veins in the legs - laser coagulation and radiofrequency ablation stick the vein inside, the hardening process sticks the diseased vessel with the help of a special substance - hardener. All surgeries are low injury, do not require incisions, do not leave scars, there is no recovery period.

If there is a deterioration in the patient's quality of life, the manifestations of varicose veins are significant and pose a threat - surgery to remove and ligate the affected veins - combined phlebectomy. The above procedures are the best way out for those who want to get rid of varicose veins forever.

The doctor will also prescribe the use of compression stockings, the use of vasodilators and anticoagulants and the use of topical agents. A holistic approach is guaranteed to treat any degree of illness and home remedies will become indispensable helpers in this.

Effective folk recipes

Apple cider vinegar

It improves the microcirculation of the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves swelling, has a general tonic effect, thanks to the content of useful micronutrients, vitamins and amino acids.

  • Rub apple cider vinegar on your feet from the ankles to the thighs every night before bed, after the shower.
  • Wet a bandage folded several times with vinegar and apply to sore veins. Wrap with foil, insulate with a scarf on top and hold the compress for 40 minutes. The legs must be raised. Perform the procedure three times a week.
  • in a container in which you can lower your legs to the knee, dilute 5 liters of water and a glass of apple cider vinegar. Take this bath every other day for 30 minutes.

Epsom salt

Magnesium or magnesium sulfate contains magnesium, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide. It is used to relieve pain and inflammation in the joints, improves blood circulation, reduces muscle tension and removes toxins. You can not do without it if it was decided to treat varicose veins at home.

  • 2 tbsp large. Dissolve salt in 1 liter of water, wet a cloth and apply a cold compress on your feet for 3 minutes and then warm for the same time. To stimulate blood circulation, the procedure is performed daily.


White cabbage leaves relieve pain and swelling in the legs, reduce the manifestations of varicose veins. They contain B and C vitamins, fiber, amino acids.

  • Rinse the required amount of leaves well, put them in a plastic bag and put them in the fridge for a day. Before going to bed, after showering, rub your feet with apple cider vinegar and wait for it to dry. Attach the cabbage leaves to all the problem areas and bandage them loosely so that the air circulates under the bandage. Prepare a fresh batch of leaves the next day. Remove the bandage in the morning and discard the old leaves. It is necessary to repeat the procedure from 10 days to 1 month, depending on the degree of damage and the results.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on your feet, spread the cabbage leaves with laundry soap and apply to the veins. Tie and wrap with a warm cloth. Leave the compress overnight, repeat every other day for 2 weeks.

Potatoes for ulcers

Grated raw potatoes are an excellent anti-inflammatory treatment for varicose ulcers. To do this, it is spread on gauze, which is placed on the wound, covered with a cloth on top and left for 4-5 hours. The ulcer is then washed and a new batch of potatoes is spread. Compresses must be changed before crusting.

Tomatoes will help relieve pain and heaviness in the legs with varicose veins

Tomato compresses

Tomatoes contain B and P vitamins, as well as flavonoids, which have the property of stimulating the walls of blood vessels. Tomatoes are able to relieve pain and heaviness in the legs, reduce the swelling of varicose veins and reduce the visual manifestation of the capillary network.

Chop the tomatoes, fasten them in varicose veins, cover with polyethylene, then with a towel and fasten them with an elastic bandage. Leave it overnight. The course is 2 weeks.

Nettle decoction

Take 150 grams of fresh or dried nettle, grind in a blender and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Before use, the broth should be infused for at least two hours, after which it should be thoroughly filtered. You should take the product ⅓ glass three times a day for a month. After 2 weeks, the course can be repeated.

Horse chestnut

It has a unique set of useful elements.

For the treatment of varicose veins, the most important of these are esculin and escin, which act as vasoprotectants and phlebotonics.

The pharmacy has a huge variety of pills, emulsions and topical products based on horse chestnut. However, it should be used only on the advice of a doctor, as there are many contraindications.

  • To prepare the tincture, you need to take 20 dried chestnuts, peel them and pour 3 liters of water. Add 1 cup of sugar and 0. 5 cup of whey. Insist for two weeks and take 1 glass once a day in the morning, before breakfast.
  • To get rid of varicose veins at home, horse chestnut is used in the bathing process. 500 g of any raw material (leaves, flowers, bark) should be boiled in 1 liter of water and infused for one hour and then poured into water. You are allowed to take such a bath for no more than 15 minutes.


Nutmeg powder for home treatment of varicose veins

Contains groups of vitamins A, C, B, PP, minerals in the form of copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, essential oils and proteins, a number of organic acids, pectin substances. In the treatment of varicose veins at home, it helps to improve blood circulation, resists tumors and accelerates cell regeneration.

  • Grind the nut in a coffee grinder, pour half a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of powder, add 0, 5 tsp. honey, let cool completely. Drink 15 minutes before eating. Every day you have to prepare a fresh portion of broth.
  • Add 5 drops of nutmeg oil to 10 ml of any vegetable oil. Use as a cream on the affected area every night.

Acacia flowers

Take 8 tablespoons of dried crushed white acacia flowers and add 200 ml of alcohol or vodka, leave for 7-10 days, then drain and use as a foot rub. After a while, the spider veins will lighten and then disappear completely.

Calendula decoction

The plant has tonic, anti-inflammatory, healing and decongestant action, which makes it possible to treat varicose veins with it at home.

  • Pharmacies sell a cheap tincture of calendula, 20 drops of which are diluted in a tablespoon of water and drunk in the morning and evening.
  • You can supplement the effect of the tincture with an ointment prepared by yourself. Mix 500 ml of vegetable oil with 50 g of dried calendula flowers. Insist 12 hours and then send it in a water bath for 40 minutes. After it cools completely, pass it with a cheesecloth. Rub on the skin of the feet several times a day.

Kalanchoe is leaving

The juice of the plant heals wounds, relieves inflammation and pain.

Best of all, the effectiveness of Kalanchoe is revealed in alcoholic tinctures. Fill a glass jar with chopped leaves and fill with vodka. Insist for two weeks in a dark and cool place. Rub your lower limbs twice a day.

Laundry soap

An environmentally friendly product, promotes rapid healing of ulcers, relieves inflammation and disinfects.

  • Wash open sores with soapy water before each dressing.
  • For the protruding veins, prepare an infusion - rub a bar of soap on a fine grater, add 10 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid to it, pour 250 ml of vodka. Stir, close the lid tightly and leave in a dark place for three days. Strain the infusion, wet the cheesecloth in it, connect it to a vein, wrap it in polyethylene and a warm scarf. Leave it overnight.

Clay compresses

Blue and green clay is an excellent antiseptic and decongestant. Prevents the development of thrombophlebitis. Effective only when used over a course of 1-1, 5 months. A single application has no therapeutic effect.

The clay is used to apply spots on painful areas or in a complete wrap. The clay is diluted with warm water or mineral water to the texture of cream, applied in a thick layer on swollen veins or on the legs as a whole, wrapped in film and insulated. You can wear warm leggings, use a scarf or blanket. The application lasts 40 minutes, wrapping - 20-25 minutes.

The procedure for the treatment of varicose veins with leeches (hirudotherapy)

Leeches (irudotherapy)

The saliva of leeches contains hirudin, which reduces blood clotting, helps treat blood clots, reduces the volume of circulating blood, which reduces the load on the vessels of the legs.

For a visible result you will need 5-6 sessions of irudotherapy. During the procedure, the doctor places two leeches in the most problematic area and places three more along the vein. When the leeches are full, they are carefully separated and destroyed in saline. The same leeches can not be used twice for safety reasons. A hydrotherapy session lasts about an hour. When removing leeches, minor bleeding is possible.

Bee products - powerful immunostimulants that strengthen the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins

Honey and propolis

They have a strong regenerative effect on the walls of blood vessels.

  • Take 100 grams of dried leaves of mother, mint, oregano and thyme, in a glass bowl, mix them with 300 ml of alcohol, add 20 grams of propolis or 50 grams of honey. Let it boil for 2 weeks, drain it and use it as a compress.
  • Mix the juice and zest of a lemon, 100 g of honey or propolis, 200 ml of alcohol, 50 g of medicinal gray jaundice. The mixture is injected for three weeks, after which it is filtered and rubbed into the veins until completely absorbed.

Oral and topical medications

  1. A bioflavonoid drug that reduces the elasticity of blood vessel walls, increases venous tone, improves lymphatic drainage and microcirculation and has anti-inflammatory action. When treating varicose veins at home, it is enough to take one tablet in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 months.
  2. Capillary stabilizer, decongestant, anti-inflammatory vasoprotective with glycoside from horse chestnut fruits (seeds). Improves nutrition in blood vessels and adjacent tissues, eliminates venous congestion, relieves pain, fatigue, itching. It is recommended to take 12-15 drops three times a day before meals. The course of treatment can range from two weeks to three months.
  3. Corticosteroid based gel. Relieves inflammation of blood vessels, facilitates blood flow. Instructions for use include application to the skin with massage movements twice a day. But patients recommend applying a thick layer of gel under the adhesive membrane - warming up significantly enhances the effect.
  4. The gel is an immediate-acting anticoagulant based on the polysulfuric acid ester mucopolysaccharide, relieves pain, swelling, swelling of the veins. Reduces the risk of blood clots when used regularly.
  5. Effective venotonic with vitamin P, which eliminates swelling, capillary fragility, weight, pain, fatigue. It seals the venous walls, reduces inflammation and prevents the formation of clots.

User reviews

  • "For a long time I was looking for a suitable way for me and finally I found it. I see the positive effects of friction with apple cider vinegar and clay wrappers. Sometimes I use venotonics in combination, then generally it is great. There is no pain and the veins are disintegrating, the nodes are not so obvious ".
  • "I always resort to popular methods. My legs were sore and swollen for a long time, but somehow there was no time to do anything about it. At one point I got tired and the Internet advised me of a nutmeg tincture and a preparation based on horse chestnut. I also connected hiking and contrast shower. It became easier the second day. I hope that the result will be long-term and the disease will not develop ".
  • "I have already had surgery twice for varicose veins, after the second operation I left for a long time, my legs hurt, the puncture points hurt and all this is scary. I decided on my own that I would not go to surgery for the third time. For the first time the doctor prescribed vasoprotective drugs, after the second operation I connected with them the traditional medicine. I went to leeches, cooked chestnut ointment, made herbal compresses. Life has become easier. I can walk with my grandson for longer, there is a kind of lightness in my legs. I will continue in the same spirit ".
  • "A year ago, I realized that it's not that I can not walk for a long time, my legs are tired in the morning and do not want to go anywhere. I often had to lie with my feet high on the wall to get rid of the pain. She began to treat her with everything she could - cabbage, horse chestnut, all kinds of lotion with sea buckthorn, calendula and kalanchoe. Vitamin P capsules, purchased compression stockings. The pain is gone, the weight is gone. The legs sometimes get tired, but the difference is huge. I do not know which treatment helped, so I praise everything. »

Prevention of varicose veins

Prevention of varicose veins - healthy diet, activity and night rest for the legs
  1. Proper nutrition - reduce the consumption of flour and fried foods, include in the diet fish, fruits rich in vitamin C, legumes.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  3. The bath and sauna are contraindicated for varicose veins.
  4. You should also avoid vacuuming, cupping and thermal massage.
  5. Do regular exercise. Preferably not related to heavy weight lifting. Swimming, yoga, stretching are better.
  6. Do not stay in uncomfortable positions for a long time, do not wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes.
  7. Fall in love with a contrast shower.
  8. At the end of each day, lift your legs against the wall and rest for ten minutes.

Treating varicose veins at home without first consulting a specialist threatens with dangerous complications.

Both medicines and folk remedies affect each body in different ways. Ingredients can cause an allergic reaction, bleeding and a sudden worsening of the condition. Some ingredients may not be taken at the same time. Even in a hospital setting, patients experience side effects. With self-medication, this risk will increase significantly.